The 1991 movie, The Silence of the Lambs poster features the film’s main character, Jody Foster, with what appears to be a skull-headed butterfly covering her mouth.
When examining a close-up of the “butterfly” we can see that the skull is composed of seven naked women. This is clipped from a 1951 photograph thought up by Salvador Dalí and photographed by Philippe Harlman, In Voluptas Mors, (voluptuous death). Here’s a low resolution screenshot of the artwork: (see higher resolution and behind-the-scenes shots here *contains nudity*)

In Voluptas Mors, by Philippe Halsman + Salvador Dalí, 1951
Also, the butterfly isn’t really a butterfly, but rather a moth. A Death’s-head Hawkmoth to be more precise who actually do look like they have a human skull on the back of their heads. (thorax)

Death’s-head Hawkmoth